Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Middle Management Employees in Textile Sector: The suffering of un-sung Heroes

For over the last three decades, private sector is seeing remarkableprogress in the Textile sector with the help of highly educated,well trainedand devoted staff in the middle management.These managers and junior executives serve in the production,sales and marketing, procurement and IT divisions. 75% of themcurrently work with out any written contract or appointmentletter and are most of the times made redundent, fired andsent home with out settling any dues and notice pay. Why is ithappening? Simple reason: There is no law that covers hiringand firing rights and absolutely no law cover for middle and
senior management employees in the private sector. People are usedrather mis-used at textile mills and and when a short term benefit is gained
from them, they are kicked out of the company. It happens especially in
Punjab where most of the mill owners are not havingsolid educational back ground and came in to textiles afterselling their bit of agricultural land or use land as a guaranteegot loans from bank and set up an industry or some of themtry to convert their much gathered black money in to whitemoney by investing in textiles and putting up a modernvertically integrated textile set ups having spinning, weaving,
processing and stitching set ups under one flag ship company.
Now the culture of not giving employees their right has gone worst.NRO has proved that people can even get away with murder,frauds, crimes against the state, bank loan defaults etc andevery wrong doer thinks no body can stop him.
Textile sector is already under severe slump cause of over all
economic recession across the world. Down sizing is understable but firingpeople and not giving them their rightful dues is criminal act.How can a salaried person survive a month if he or she is not givenlast month salary, notice pay, gratuity or provident fund dues etcCan any body throw a light on that and ask law makers to ensurethe people who literally run Pakistan’s economy are not just thrownout on roads by some of the so called industrial tycoons. Not evry mill is bad, companies like Kohinoor Group, Nishat, Sapphire, Arshad Group Crescent,Bonero, Yunus, Liberty and few other the ones any senior managerwould love to work for. Rest all are almost the same, secondly when ever a senior manager reaches a verge of further growth, he is senthome with out any reasons and a junior person is asked to take charge.this is mere exploitation and mis-use of talent of middle andsenior level management staff in the textile sector who canchange the fate of companies if allowed to work on aprofessional manner. Secondly there is a so called “Mian Sahab” culturein which a mill owners words are final no matter what a professionalmanager says whether its useful for the company. These Textilemills CEOs or “Mian Sahabs” are the major source of decline in the textile sector as buyers across the world want excellent product backedup by timely updates on production schedules which some of theseilliterate Mian Sahabs cant provide to them at all. They cheat withtheir employees and also cheat with their customers.
Who is going to take care of this middle management staff inthe textile sector, they are experts in textiles and can be agood difference if looked after well by mill owners. But they aretreated like slaves and animals instead. A salaried person can noteven think of going agaisnt any big shot in the courts if he isthrown out of the company with out any good reason becase of thefollowing: -
1. No law to ensure each employee is given a contract at the timeof hiring.2. No law to enforce professional HR and Admn practices.3. No working body for these professionals which can fight fortheir right.4. Most of the indutrialists are sitting in government, they would make sure no law is made which is not suitable for them.5. there is no job pool available in this sector which can immediatelyadjust people in any other mill and unfortunately word spreadsvery quickly when a senior manager is fired and other mills tend toavoid hiring people who were fired from last jobs and they dont even to bother investigating why that person was sent home.
Its a great opportunity for me to use TPS plat form and high lightthi major problem which disturbs thousands of families every monthand government and media does not seemed to be much bothered about it.
Lets call this effort of mine a first step towards the restorationof basic employee rights in the private sector

1 comment:

  1. Great work my friend, we definitely need to take up this vital issue of treatment of employees especially in the textile sector. One thing i would like to highlight here that nobody gives any right to another unless the person asks for it first. The white collars of textile sector need to make a forum where their problems are tabled, discussed and highlighted. Lets help ourselves first and leave the results to Allah. Great work Usman and keep writing !
