Saturday, September 27, 2014

Why would I need a "New Pakistan" ?

It is a total confusion out there! Politicians trying to justify their existence as elected leaders, the law breakers are hiding behind the law to cover their asses made of Gold, The justice providers are sitting silent and proving the fact justice in actual is blind, the tax evaders are living on the taxes that you and me pay and our parents paid in the past too.

Mass murderers are un-touchable, the system is there but it cannot be implemented cause it is there to safeguard the elites. The Moghul Empire is gone and was gone cause the rulers in that era forgot the very people who were there in a condition where there was no respect for them and basic human rights were denied, Invaders came and the rulers fell on their faces as they were lacking public support and their entire focus was to remain in power even if they have to send their own father in exile.

The situation is no different now, the so called head of the state has one agenda, to remain in power and for that he is willing to shake hands with the proven worst enemies.
The people needed a ray of hope and somebody with ample courage to speak out the truth aloud as we as a Nation have become hypocrites, we need somebody else to fight our case as we do not have the courage to face the outcome of the retaliation we might have with the so called big guns. I have been writing articles, poetry and stuff for more than a decade now and the people around me would always discourage me from day one and label me and often commented " This country will not change, you are wasting your time".

There are no short cuts to glory I agree the struggle is beyond the testing limits of patience but a start is needed against status quo, Imran Khan will not last long if he would not get the much needed support from all of us. His job was to trigger the chain reaction of enforcing people's will for their own rights, he is fighting our war as a general would do, but he would need us to be there in the battle field to fight our own battle to get rid of a system polluted with self interests of the ruling class and elites. The Civil Service officials, Judiciary, Police, health and Education Sector is filled with a plague of corruption, we all make a hue and cry about it but do not dare to say a word against it as we fear we would end up losing what we have made in our life despite the limited opportunities and resources.

People say that Democracy should be de-railed and let these thugs loot us for another five years, I would ask the supporters of system a question that would they hire a totally corrupt person who is known as the most notorious and corrupt professional to look after their own private business with everything on the line from financial management to resource management? The obvious answer is a BIG NO!

No wonder the supporters of Imran Khan are people who are having a sensible head on the shoulders starting mostly from middle class people and some portion of wise and educated elite and he has to make a great deal of effort to get his message spread across the rural areas of Pakistan where 70 percent of our population resides .

Let's be realistic Imran Khan and his team is not considered to be angels from the heavens but they have a vision, a proven track record of no major visible corruption and a system which can deliver for a common man as well, I support this movement not because of the charms of Imran Khan and his world cup victory, I support him as somehow after so many years I strongly feel that if he is a given a chance,  even if I die today, my kids would get to see a Pakistan where the law would protect and look after even orphans and give them an equal opportunity and merit based system to excel in life.

I worry if death strikes me today, my kids would be at the mercy of a ruthless system which supports the ruling class and elite only and every new legislation is done to protect their own wrong doings, would you leave future of your kids in the hands of the people who shot un-armed innocent women in their faces to prove that they can do whatever they want as the law and establishment are their bought servants.

We need a Pakistan where a farmer's son can be an Amy Chief, a school teacher's son can be a Prime Minister, a driver's son can be a Chief Minister and a sweeper's son can be Chief Justice of Supreme court based on merit and their professional back ground.

May Allah have mercy on Pakistan and let us contribute with our portion of effort in any way we could  to make a new Pakistan based on the foundations of truth and equality for all. Long Live Pakistan!

Muhammad Usman Arshad

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