His story starts after his wedding with the multi-talented leading political leader Benazir Bhutto. Before that people hardly new him, world media took that wedding a surprise as he was no where near the calibre of Ms. Bhutto at that time. Then he emerges as Mr. 10% in the local and international media cause of corrupt activities which really tarnished Benazir Bhutto's image across the world apart from Pakistan. Then came the series of corruption scandals, allegations and case filings in the court against him in Nawaz Sharif's rule and then in Musharaf's rule. A long stay at major jails of Pakistan.
Time changes, PPP and MQM strikes a deal with General Musharaf who wants to save his Presidency, there comes the NRO, all corrupts, criminals, law breakers, convicts are set free and those who were abroad were allowed to enter Pakistan as respectable citizens. NRO as of today stands as a biggest slap on the Nation's face and on the judiciary as well.
A twist of tales started for Mr. Zardari, Benazir is killed in a sniper shoot out and a suicide bombing just after addressing the people of Rawalpindi at Liquat bagh. All evidences were removed from the crime scene and then a suggestion was made to seek help of FBI. No FIR filed from Zardari sb.
A care ful and in depth analysis of the Benazir killing makes Zardari a sole benficiary of the situation. No wonder people blame him and his associate Rehman Malik for Benazir's killing, but of course no evidences were found and no cases were filed against them despite the fact it was highlighted by national and International press alot.
Zardari was a man who despite alot of time in jail got any kind of fame with in the Peoples Party or outside of it. He was over shadowed by Benazir Bhutto's personality who was respected across the world by Nations and their leaders for her leadership, strong hold on local and international politics and above all as a leader of the people who loved her alot not only because of her father Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto but for her own as she looked after the deprived people in Pakistan. But again, alot of analysts including me not totally agree to some of the decisions that she took. But again no body is perfect.
A total twist of fate occurs when Zardari sb emerges as elected President of Pakistan with a dummy prime minister Gillani under him. World media was shocked, Pakistani public was in distress but nothing can be done cause he was elected by the member of national and provincial assemblies who were voted by people of Pakistan. It was a total failure of our electoral process in which a known most corrupt and most hated person of Pakistan was given the seat of President. Sharif brother's initial support to Zardari cleared the way for him and he reached his ultimate goal of life: to become President of Pakistan which he would never have made it if Benazir Bhutto was alive. Thanks to people like Musharaf who gave him and others around Zardari a solid Cover of NRO and now we have criminals, convicts and most wanted people by the law with an absolute clean criminal record and ruling and looting us with the law watching their backs.
After death of Quad e Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah and martyrdom of Khan Liaquat Ali Khan, A series of corrupt leaders kept on ruling us along with elite class, industrialists, beuraecrates, fuedel Lords and from people who became rich over night by rulers special favours or from money gathered from un-fair means. 70% of Nation as of today after 50 years of independence comprises of "have nots" who struggle through out their lives to earn food for them and their family atleast once a day. Life is designed for have nots in such a way that they can not even spare an hour in their life to evaluate what the ruling class is doing to them cause they are in a cruel cycle of events called survival. How come they rise up together then and reject the acts of their ruling class and start a revolution. But our rulers are forgetting one thing which is the fact that when people decide to stand upfront against the corruption and lawlessness and un-equal distribution of wealth, then comes the french revolution, Iranian revolution, Russian revolution etc which can not be controlled by Armies even.
We have deliberately opened a door to destruction with in our own country firstly by Musharaf by Nurturing Talibans and now by Zardari to declare all out war against them on our own soil. This time enemy is not India, Israel or West, its we gainst our Muslim brothers in an Islamic country. I am not at all against the operation against the terrorists but the the thing that gives me tremors is the fact that with every militant six innocent civilians are being killed. Our leaders dont have a vision and common sense even, they declare all out war against Talibans after couple of hours meeting with so called dignitaries from USA, parliament was not taken in to confidence even. Parliament cant complain, they chose Zardari sb as their President. Are we not nurturing another generation of terrorists amongst us as the innocent people who are being killed in the north have relatives sitting in the camps, would they forgive government and us when ever they get a chance to strike back. Raw, Moosad and CIA uses such people for their own vested interests and such effectees are easy to brain wash and to use against Pakistan.
It gives me heart ache to see Musharaf roaming around in the world as state guest delivering lectures after what he did to Pakistan to prolong his stay in power. In my opinion he should be charged by the law in our courts for what he did at Laal Masjid and should be hanged till death with a tree in the same Mosque's lawn in front of public gathering so that none of the future leaders would dare doing any thing like it in future but who will bring Musharaf to the courts! may be we are awaiting angels from heavens to do that.
The life style of Mr. Zardari suggests that he is literally found heaven on earth along with people around him. We are using situation in northern areas to get more aid which can be mis-used once again. We are a nation under great deal of depression and economic recession still we spend billions on protocol, maintenance of presidency and Prime Minister house, parliament lodges, Presidents travelling, fringe benefits to members of assemblies and on the other hand we say that we dont have means to support effectess of northern areas, we deliberately show them in misery to world media like we do in Kashmir camps. Times are changing Mr. President, I see your stay as Mighty Ruler of wonderland of Pakistan, very limited or even over if you dont put your act together. You have seen one defeat of your stubornness in the judiaciary case where handful of lawyers made your life miserable, please dont wait for the whole nation to turn against you. The masses awakening is already in the air, all they need is a good and trustworthy leader to guide them through. We have already seen massive brain drain from Pakistan where educated and talented Pakistanis have left to other parts of the world where they might not get respect but one thing is for sure they will get justice no matter what and in another years time only those people will left behind who dont have sources to go abroad or who have decided to live in die in Pakistan, the heaven it used to be on the face of earth!
Nation is seeking answers from you Mr. President and from the law makers and the law enforcers, when would you take NRO back and all the criminals would turn themselves in. When would we see the full investigation report on Laal Masjid Killings in Islamabad and people responsible are brought to justice as well. We would not let any body to flee from Pakistan and sit in London and do dirty politics. Hats off to Imran Khan who actually tried once to bring culprits to justice even abroad but he can not be a one man Army to change our fates. Its time for us to become the leader and savior of our own self and focus on collaboarative effort for one common goal, restoration of peace and justice with out any discrimination of race, gender, status and religion.
Long live Pakistan! Our heaven on earth.
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