With an ever changing fast track life style and unstable priorities, its becoming difficult for us to tackle our anger, frustrations, disappointments, grudges and self created distances from others. Our society often reflects and present us a some what non-tolerant and aggressive people by nature. Although their are many contributors to it but the major weight can be given to social and economic injustice prevailing with in our country.
Our religions stresses on showing tolerance and patience to fellow Muslims and to people with other religions. Our Holy Prophet Mohammad (may peace be upon him) won the hearts of thousands ignorant Arabs and eventually got success in giving the world the best Religion: Islam. Through out his life The Prophet Mohammad may peace be upon him, tolerated disrespectful behaviour, harsh treatment, troubles and hardships cause of the Non- believers even at the City of Taif when he was asked by the Gabriel the Angel whether he should crush the Taif people between the two mountains, Our Prophet denied the idea and asked Allah to provide wisdom and faith to the city of Taif who were throwing stones and Garbage on Him.
We have to look in to this issue with two perspective, the first at personal level and then at the collective level as a nation and a society.
At personal Level we need to master the art of anger management by following teachings of Islam and our religion clearly teaches us how to control our emotions and get rewarded by the Allah at the same time as one of the Quranic verses clearly indicates " the best amongst you are ones who control their anger and wrath". We have been told by the Quran that" We have divided you in to tribes and clans so that you can recognize each other for Allah the best amongst you are the true Believers who avoid committing Sins"
Where as in the present perspective, we have fallen atrap to the west's strategy of Divide and Rule and we are punjabis, Pathans, Balochis, Sindhis and Mahajars first then Muslims living in Pakistan. After death of Quaid E Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah and Liaquat Ali Khan, our leaders tend to provide opportunities and comforts to the people of their own provinces or areas where they belonged to and often shown out of the way supports to people in an unjustified manner to create frustration in the minds of the people who were not looked after well by them.
Some areas and some people were ignored entirely when it came to equal distribution of wealth, resources and basic human rights which created an ever climbing wall between the people and their hearts. For instance, East Pakistan was ignored to such an extent that people were no longer to think of even to be part of Pakistan. People and analysts often think that a foreign hand was involved in separating East Pakistan from us, they could be 40% true but the truth of the matter is we ignored people of East Pakistan so badly that they fell an easy pray to Indian agencies which later one plotted the separation movement and supported it heavily with Arms, training and alot of cash inflow. We saw East Pakistan turning in to Bangladesh in 1971, but we learnt any lessons.
We saw again a huge drift between mahajirs (I think its even wrong to call them Mahajirs as they deserve more than us to be called as Pakistanis the way they suffered them selves along with their families and moved to Pakistan at the time of partition and even lost their beloved ones in mass killings of Muslims migrating to Pakistan in India and started their lives once again from scratch) Pathans have their own reservations, Balochis have their own view point, Sindhis want to go their own way, Punjabis think they have the biggest area and Population, they could do what ever they want. This resulted in a dangerous and up front violence backed movements by all above and later own it got a religious element in it when mass scale Shia Sunni killings were staged. Governments came, used resources for their own benefits and away they go. Each government upon its exit leaving Pakistan in a worst shape then before to the new government as far as the law and order situation, economic turmoil and social in justice is concerned. None of the leaders came forward to launch mass scale movements to unite Pakistanis. Politics was played on the basis of separates movements.
Whenever their is a grudge between two family members in the house, the elders who have the decision making power tend to bring both angry members across the table and listen to their problems and then give them a solution which is suitable for all concerned and before they depart they either shake hands or embrace each other to give a gesture that no hard feelings are there any more. Where as, sorry to say our political leaders nurtured these difference to run a sloppy shop of their politics and to increase their vote bank. We being a very sensitive and an emotional Nation, fell an easy pray to these manipulators and the our differences became more serious and grave in nature and brought us to a point of no return. Our mosques were used to fire out the negative thoughts about other sects rather than true Islamic preachings, our leaders played dirty politics and kept on using us for their own vested interests. Our leaders were influenced by the west mainly USA which eventually led us to a situation that west had control on each and every thing with in our country. More seeds were planted to spread hate and violence and when ever we were on the verge of reaching an economic recovery stage, out governments got topple, Dictator ship came in and we were back to square one even after so many of the efforts. Why cant we live together as a Nation any more? Why are we so angry and non tolerant to each other? why cant we stand truth? Why are we so weak to get in to the hands of enemy of Islam and state? Where are our famous trait of hospitality, friendship, care and providing shelter to the needy? Were we so bad from the word go, I guess not our all energy is being channelised by the mean leaders to use our resources and strengths against each other. Almost 65% of our nation cant read and write and belong to working class which lives far below the poverty level. These people are ruled by politicians, Feudal Lords and big shots like barbarian kings who not listen to the word "No" and want people to serve them as slaves. how can we change our fate once 65% of our population can not or dont have the wisdom to vote on their free will and understanding. They are kept back ward and illiterate for obvious reasons and we call our self an independent state whose more than half of the population is serving as slaves to the big shots who are under the direct command of governments and agencies of the enemies of the state.
In order to develop tolerance and patience in people you have got to give the basic rights of the citizens of Pakistan, they should get education religious and modern including science and Technology, they should be given equal opportunities in life, there should not be a major discrimination of haves and have nots in the society, our local and national governments should have the new faces from grass root level and there should be an end of few particular families holding the 80% of the wealth of Pakistan and are always in government in one way or the other, education opens new horizons, it helps people to listen to reason and allow them to give their own reasoning as well when ever needed, it helps them to follow their heart and mind when it comes to decision making, it allows them to come and compete in the main stream market offering equal opportunities to citizens of Pakistan. We should be able to offer them a system of justice which has the power to hang President of our country if found guilty, currently a minor crime by a person struggling to meet his both ends is not over looked and the person is sent behind the bars. We can not ask them to be patient and cool when a former President, yes I will dare to mention his name "Musharaf" gives easy money and easy life to all the top rated corrupt people in the most wanted people's list by the law in Pakistan but instead he got succeeded in giving them a legal cover of NRO to make them "Untouchables" Our judiciary is on a strange tone of silence on NRO and in my books silence means open support to this unjustified and unlawful law not created by the law makers, but a dictator himself.
So can I ask a person to show tolerance and patience whose son was sent in jail for stealing a bicycle where as people were set free to got to home and any where in the world under supreme protection of NRO despite the fact their crimes had to punished cause of the crimes serious nature and cause of the fact that Pakistani nation suffered alot. Can I ask a wife to show patience whose innocent husband got killed in a an operation against militants? Can I ask thousands of kids to not to weep and still love Pakistan even after their immediate family members are killed as innocents in order to wipe out militants? They dont have education and wisdom to explain it to them that their family members are killed cause we had to wipe out a major evil of talibans and their family members sacrificedtheir lives for Pakistan. We can not ask them to control their hatred and vengeance against our government and such remained alive left overs of the crushed part of our society become a helping hand to enemies of Pakistan who plan mass murdering through suicide attacks.
We are wiping one evil and giving a healthy birth to an other evil for our generations to come. We want our own identity, we dont want to be called as Pakistanis, we want independent states to mis-use the resources available to us and if it becomes well known to people that most corrupt and most wanted criminal's group is now leading Pakistan, the others who dont have the means to grab wealth with both hands, come up with an idea of their own state so that they can also loot the available resources.
Patience and tolerance is some thing that I dont see coming back to our Nation unless and until all convicts are brought to Justice, equal rights for all citizens, putting an end to elite class culture descrimination in which masses have to wait for hours in traffic for their Kings and Queens and their so called governors and chief ministers to go pass by with ease on the roads for security and protocol reasons. The law should be blind to all, its selective blindness destroys the over all out look of any nation in the world. West is surviving on just one thing: they have a very strong justice and social security system and we waste our time in bragging that our religion is better than theirs, we are a better society etc but we always over look one question: Are we following our own religion? Are all laws according to our Holy Book Quran? Do we understand the very spirit of the messages conveyed in our Holy Book? The answers to such questions will bring out a very gloomy picture.
The solution to the problem of a non-tolerant and impatient society is that we start focusing on our self as an individual and leave aside all political and religious differences and for a change start acting like a Nation which is not afraid to take challenges and can persuade its leaders to implement the uphold of the law and to provide enough education to start with to our deprived part of the society and above all open new avenues and projects in the areas which were neglected by all governments in the past so that an over all improvement is seen in the areas whose public was never looked after in the past. First we give the people their due rights and look after them in manner that is used to bring back the people who were not at good terms with you at all, actions always speak louder than words if we as an individual start giving each other respect and give each other breathing space to live life trouble free then an overall thinking of tolerance and patience can be evolved and can soread speedily with in our nation. We should learn to respect each others feelings, traditions, norms and life styles to make Pakistan a country that stands with pride on the face of earth as an Independent Islamic state with people living in it in peace and harmony from all walks of life, tribes, religions and histories.
Hazrat Anas radiallaho ta'ala anhu narrates that our Prophet sallalaho alaihe wasallam said: "Who ever wishes for increase in wealth and a long life, he should practice excellence of relations with his relatives."
ReplyDeleteHazrat Abdullah Ibn e Umar radiallaho ta'ala anhuma narrates that our Prophet sallalaho alaihe wasallam said, "One who takes revenge does not show excellence of relations. The person who practices excellence of relations is one with whom the relatives break the ties and he joins them again." (Bukhari Shareef
Hazrat Huzaifa radiallaho ta'ala anhu narrates that Prophet Muhammad sallalaho alaihe wasallam said, "Be not be among those who say that only if people do good to us we will do good to them and if people will do ill to us we will do ill to them. Rather you should make a habit of doing good in turn of good, and of not doing ill even if some one maltreats you."
Hazrat Obada bin Saabit radiallaho ta'ala anhu narrates that Rasool Allah sallalaho alaihe wasallam said, "Should I tell you the ways by which Allah Ta'ala will elevate your status?" The Sahaaba e Kiraam said, "Yes, Yaa Rasool Allah sallalaho alaihe wasallam." Rasool Allah sallalaho alaihe wasallam replied, "One who keeps grudge for you, you should forgive him and forget (his negative deed), one who tortures you, you should forgive him, one who deprives you, you should be giving to him and one who breaks terms with you, you should restore relations with him"
In another Hadith e Mubarika it is said"A muslim is one from whose hands and tongue others are safe".Quran appreciates those who sip anger and show Tolerance.
All of us should remind ourselves of Holy Prophet sallallaho alaihe wasallam's journey to Taif where infidels threw stones on him and wounds shed so much blood that his sacred shoes were soaked in it, and angel Jibrael appeared and asked permission to throw mountains on people of Taif but Prophet of Mercy for all worlds said,"Dont do so may be in their future generations there must be some who will be the believers"
On occasion of conquest of Makkah, not a single drop of of blood was shed, Prophet sallallaho alaihe wasallam announced Mercy for all, even to those who tortured muslims and above all, Hinda who dishonoured dead body of Hazrat Hamza in Ghazwa E Uhd was forgiven too.
No other religion teaches such lesson of Peace and Tolerance, No other religion declared that Anger is Haraam, no psychotherapy can teach anger management better than Islam but unfortunately british brand fake Islam of Talibaan has distorted image of Islam that we must revive not by words but by deeds.
ReplyDelete1:Frequently remind urself of death.
2:Do abolution(Wazzu).
3:If ur are standing , then sit, if u r sitting lie down for a while.
4:Always be conscious that someone 's heart must not be broken rather than being conscious ur heart must not be broken.
5:Remind urself Anger is Haraam in Islam.
6:try to figure out root cause of a angry person rather than judging him apparently.
7:If u r angry, start practicing TAHAJUD NAMAAZ.As human mind has 3 parts, conscious,subconscious and unconscious.Once Doctor Theodore a christian pshyciatrist was treating chronic patients of depression and depression is an outcome of suppressed anger.He sedated the patients and told them the moment u feel u r no more sleepy, wake up and write what ever u wanna a write on this note book. 5 patients were muslims. they used to wake up and also prayed Tahajud Namaaz and the dr observed they used to cry lots during dua and miracously muslim patients got rid of depression in few days and went home and never came back again, where as others keep going and comming again and again.
Psycholgically speaking, sleeping after isha namaz is must to wake up again for Tahajud prayer. Allah said in Hadith E Qudsee that "Allah calls from the first sky and asks is there any one asking for something from me ....."
At this time Conscious is SLEEPY and subconscious is ACTIVE, the namazee clears his heart and does Catharsis infront of Allah Almighty rather than on mere mere note book and Mercy of Allah showers on him and feels Physical; and Spiritual Relaxation. Regular practice goes on to clear UNconscious after completely cleansing sub conscious and there u go with no depression no anger and with a happy hilarious joyful soul.
Bhaijaan, you are certainly a man on a mission now !! :)