Politics is some thing that has a vast scope and meaning in Pakistan. It is not only done by the political parties, its being regularly exercised in all walks of life especially in the government sector organization and private companies.
Hiring and firing in government sector is politically motivated and in private sector it is influenced by law of necessity that is when you need good professionals your hire them use or mis use them for short term and then get rid of them. There are no free lunches in this world, the relation of an employer and an employee goes on smooth when an employer is getting 20 times in return what he is paying the employee.
We are politicians by nature and when it comes to work place, nothing harm any organization more than the politics between the employees. We do not believe in preparing number two or second in command in private sector because of the fear of the un-known that we might loose control or even or own job cause a junior might be a good and in-expensive option for the management if he is trained well. This unfortunate problem deprive good organizations of trained and professional middle management.
We cant stand bright, more qualified and honest people around us, so when ever such a gentleman or a lady joins an organization, a group of people who believe in negative tactics, gathers around and decide to throw the new talent out of the company with back biting, politics, and negative feed back to management. So resulting in exit of a true talented employee which should be treated as an asset to any organization.
If you visit un-organized government and private sector organization, you will see every body working in such a manner as if they are doing an extra ordinary favor to the nation by working for two hours daily and rest of the hours busy in politics, cursing society and in net working. We are an under developed country and need a collaborative effort to improve our economy by working hard round the clock and giving 100% effort with an extra 1%. The extra one percent is some thing that is not taught at schools and trainings at organization. The extra one % is your readiness to serve people with a smile, going all ends out to help them and realising that you enjoy serving people and not taking it as a burden.
Hiring and firing can be done on the grounds of the performance of the people. We often see that the people who are not good at work but still grow through their multi dimensional abilities of lip servicing for their seniors and making use of the politics to be in the favorite books of the seniors. Politics on the work place discourages the over all growth of any organization and and of the people working there, this can be eliminated when people are given proper contracts/appointment letters and their job description is designed and documented based on their contracts. Secondly it should be made clear that appraisal will be based on performance only. We see managements in Pakistan to hire a professional at 2000 us$ and ask feed back regarding performance from a so called trust worthy junior drawing us$100/month. To discourage such culture, a proper HR and ADMN department should be functional to guide the management.
We are becoming intolerant as every day passes by. We do not work hard to get success but at the same time can not tolerate some body else's growth which he or she got with the effort and hard work. We cant stand juniors who are more qualified and more talented than us, we can not stand people who believe in work only and dont engage themselves in other time wasting use less activities like long tea and lunch breaks etc, we can not work under female boss and or with female colleagues and also do not treat our female juniors very well. This is resulting in a lot of people quitting jobs, leaving Pakistan in desperation as their hard work is not rewarded and in the worst case scenario become part of the culture and looking for short cuts rather than the usual hard work.
This is the biggest draw back in our day to day working with in the organization whether in government sector and private sector. The CEOs must realize it first, then the trickle down effect should take place first and every body should realise that they have got to contribute positively to the success of the organization from where they are earning livelihood for their family. This lesson has to be learnt quickly before its too late and all the educated, well groomed and talented professionals out there in the field must realise that if they start correcting their approach on personal level, a significant number of people will start following them and good people will not be a minority in coming 5 to six years time. Its a big ask but it needs some point to start and I start it by correcting my actions first and then expecting it from the people around and the people who will read this article.
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