In an overall analysis of us all as a Pakistani Nation, it is evident that do not have the moral courage to accept our mistakes and making sure we do not commit those in the future.
It gives me tremors and a haunting feeling when its been highlighted by our own media that "We are the 2nd most corrupt Nation in the world" this is one statement that should not let us sleep till we start doing some thing about it as a Nation.
Unfortunately this culture travels from the ruling class to the class which has been ruled for generations. We are not ashamed of what we do even if get caught, we will not accept our faults and mistakes and rather blame it on somebody else. This starts a chain reaction of further lies, further mistakes, further blame games, unrest and turmoil but no one ever come forward and be a dare devil to accept own mistakes and apologise from the people who were directly effected by it.
In my opinion, one could always save the face and the grace if the mistakes, errors, mis-judgements, mis-calculations in planning, not being faithful in relations, not being honest at times etc are realised well on time, accepted apologised and leave rest to the affectees.
Whats going on right now is a total reversal: A head of any corporate Giant, spends time there for couple of years and gives a tremendous blow to the organization just because of fact that he was not capable and was there as a result of a favor from some body in the decision makers, such a person knowingly disturbs the whole working of a set up and sticks to his or her job despite continuous failures cause he has the backing of the decision makers mainly government etc and and they are confident that no body could come forward and dare to remove him. What could have been a better scenario, a screening should be done if governments, political parties, associations etc want to reward certain people, it would be much better to hire professionals i-e, right man for the right job. This error over the error cycle continues until new government comes and an inquiry is conducted and even with out an inquiry the heads of organizations are removed and own people are placed. This is being going on for years now, I have never seen any government to accept its faults, I have not seen people to agree to mis-management of funds andhuman resources on their part, all I see them saying or writing that we did our best. This can not be changed as its our culture that we always tend to accommodate our dear ones and would always over look the fact that we need specialist heading different concerned set ups and not our uncles, friends are Aunts who dont have a clue what they will do.
When it comes to Moralities we rate ourselves as the best Nation as we are Muslims, here a question arises "Are we good practical Muslims or Muslims by the stroke of luck that we are born in the Muslim families in a Muslim State/country?"
Then why we have only example of a Minister (Sherry Rehman to be exact) to leave her minister ship on pure grounds of basic principles. Why do our leaders and ourselves wait till the level of humiliation that we are no longer required cause we are not good enough by any means. Why can we a Nation start saying "No" to any opportunity that comes our way by un-fair way before we make a mess of every thing primarily due to the fact that it was not our forte? Some people at times think they could every thing, they are masters of all trades and this over confidence results in a disastrous situation for them andmore for people around them cause their false ego will not allow them to step down or leave a hot seat and furthermore they are too ashamed to accept and agree to the fact that they have made a mistake in the first place to accept this challenge, if we step down by accepting our failure and make way for a proper replacement, we would be doing tonnes of favours to the people around us and the organizations that would have taken a huge dip in the growth graph.
We as a Nation are trying to hide away facts andalways tend to project our selves as the "Specialists" where deep down in our hearts we know that we cant do it. When we are a proven failure as a "Political Party" in the last few elections, we should realise that we are not "wanted" by the people, may be politics is not our cup of tea but we would not resign to this fact and would get our selves engaged in playing dirty politics. Similarly as head of states, certainly I would mention Musharaf who lost his respect and credibility even before realising its already too late step down and top of that never admitted his mistakes and left with out apologies to the Nation and made himself as an example of a leader who was self centred and selfish, brought alot of harm to the Nation.
People are of the view that we should let the democratic process go on, I fully agree to it but have a question to every body irrespective of political affiliations, religion, class and group "When the whole Nation knows that our leadership is not in safe hands or capable hands, is it worth taking a risk and wait for five years to let them do the damage which can not be repairable at all even for decades? Sensible answer would be a straight forward "No" but a biased and un-realistic answer would be a yes wait till they improve as the steak holders to the after effects of mass corruption are poor Pakistani public whose life is made impossible to live with every passing day. The leadership share,wealth and prosperity has always remained with less than 10% of our population and rest of the 90% our Nation has suffered with different variations of severity cause of the wrong doings of ruling and filthy rich class. Another argument that is being brought forward is that we are being elected by the people of Pakistan and we have heavy mandate and right to rule them. The answer is very limited or same choice being given to people in every election and secondly the voting is controlled by feudal lords, Political mafias, advantage due to lack of education of the masses, Elites as unfortunately votes are casted in peer pressure, in fear of people who feed the poor against looking after their fields, in fear of a political wing who make their life miserable if they dont vote for them and unfortunately a man who is so poor and have ID card, can cast his vote against one decent meal and a small amount of money as they are not bothered whether its Party X in power Party Y in control as their fate has remained same since independence and even got worst. In my opinion, the people who have more power and money and are backed up by the west mainly USA, are given the power and given a chance to retain it to the time they are useful for them.
I have not seen book of confessions from our leaders of the past, they all say they are Saints of very high category, if any one has not committed any mistake, what went wrong for us? Answer to this would go on with a blame game to previous governments and it would go on andon to previous rulers till the start of man kind with no body actually having the moral courage of accepting own mistakes and leaving lessons to the people who would come in our way.
Good parents always share their achievements and failures in life openelywith their children so that a clear guide line is there for them to lead their life after their parents are no more around to look after them.
We need to learn as an individual first to gracefully accept defeats, mistakes andfollies right from the word go so that the minor mistakes do not become blunders that could harm not only us but people around us and could lead to the total break down of any system on the whole. We always think the whole system and whole society is corrupt, which is a generalised view being used to not to take any blame or responsibility but I still a lot of people leading a successful life which they based on the principles of honesty and hard work and with an effort to go for a continuous improvement by establishing self checks and balances to mend their ways themselves before start highlighting it. One thing we are very good at is criticizing each other all the time with out our own life style's analysis. We are ordinary human beings and mistakes and misjudgements are a daily routine matter, I have learnt one thing from my parents and elders that a mistake should be accepted as soon as it occurs and a mind set has to be made clearly afterwards that it will be committed by me again. I have seen a lot of growth in my personal and professional life by amending or even withdrawing my decisions openly when I felt I might not be right here and have even listened and implemented a better idea/solution that even came from my juniors. There is no such thing as false ego, if we want to stick firm to our decisions we should be sure our self that its the right one and best suited not to me but to every one effected directly or in-directly cause of it. Why would Muslim Sufis and Saints would always go to seek further knowledge to other famous Sufis and Saints in distantareas? Answer to it is very simple, if better people are around who further improve our though process and bring more clarity in our religious beliefs, there is always a benefit of getting a further evaluation of what we do from the best of the best.
Its a blessing of Allah if we are brought back to track even after comitting sins/mistakes as alotof people spend their life time with out realising and accepting that its not right we are doing cause we are not in a habit to have a self check on in our system. Life can be lot more simple and easy if we start looking for faults with in us andnot in the people living around us, if we decide an idividuals to do a serious effort of being a good citizen and a Muslim at the same time, we could see a gradual improvement with in the society and we desperately seek "Improvement" after whats been going on andthe kind of stress we a Nation have already gone through due to it.
In the west, We have seen Presidents stepping down, ministers going home, CEOs resigning, players Quitting etc on very timely basis to show Nations that they have guts to accept their faults and have a will to get them replaced by the people who in their opinion or in majority of the people's opinion would be much better.
Why cant we find heads of states not being punished of they did wrong here in our country after independence? Answer is simple we never had will to make things transparent and social and justice system so active that it can not allow blunders that could change our history. We saw East Pakistan separation which resulted due to false egos and personalities clash, when no body realised that they are doing wrong, no body accepted it even that tragedy happened and we are on the verge of having such a tragedy again if we dont start realising mistakes and shortcomings even if we never committed them but we are now in a position to undo those.
May the God help us all!
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