Friday, July 10, 2009

The complex of Casts and Sects: The seed planted by the British, has now grown in to a poisenous Tree of Hatred!

Divide and Rule, the golden and proven successful policy of the British which helped them in ruling the Sub-continent for years. The irony is that they landed on our land with a handful of traders who formed East India Company.

Read the history and relate it to our present day scenario, Are not we spending rather wasting half of our life time in developing grudges, differences, hatred and lack of co-operation entirely based on our religious, ethnic, casts, sects and regional differences. Our pace for the development is very slow cause we have time for every thing other than the positive contribution to the prosperity of Pakistan. We can not leave our false visions and un-realistic mind sets cause we take pride in representing a certain group or tribe in our society. We consider it a Taboo to study the clan norms whether these are correct or not cause we are blinded by the base less faith and wrong sense of attachment to our beliefs. Freedom to exercise basic religious rights is a key in spreading of Islam from the days of Mohammad peace be upon him. All I see people encashing the negativity's (in our thinking) of any sect or religions or even a group of people who share similar ideas about life, on the contrary we should have highlighted the positivity and let them people analyse it and then join us.

Am not a religious scholar or somebody having political likes or dislikes to comment on religion, tribes traditions, life complexities, life styles and beliefs of the people. As an ordinary man I would request all of us including myself to get out of a shell of complex and wrong perceptions and start treating each other as human beings first. Our hate, wrath and love is being channelised and mis-used by the people we call leaders, heads, scholars etc for their vested interests. This built in Biases in us force us to comitt blunders, take wrong steps and ignore the truth which results in an over all degradation of socio-economic system. It effects the over all of well being of citizens of a country cause certain areas and people are continuously neglected and their growth is halted as well. This dejection and neglection builds up a sense of deprivation and loss and feeling of uni-directional wrath for the people who are responsible for it. Years of harbouring grudges comes up with a volcanic explosion of grief and anger sentiments which forces people to struggle for their own seperate independent home land: A state with in a state is their solution to the problem. What I have seen so far after studying the life styles of heads of various different clans, groups, tribes, schools of thoughts, religious activists, social welfare organization etc is the fact that "If you are not part of the solution, you are certainly part of the problem"

Now many of you comment that what on earth does the above statement mean? The answer is that the people who are blindly followed by the people can make things worst and can also make a heaven out of our country which is being struck by a wave of terrorism, ethnic violence, religious intolerance, law and order troubles, justice and above all badly treated common people.

They all need to sit together and find a solution to this problem, we want to and should reflect a picture of a United and strong Nation to the world and especially to the countries who do not believe in very existence of our country. Now who will bell the cat, the leaders find it against their will and egos to be flexible. The West always wanted us to be weak and dependent on them on each and every aspect from running of government, technology, security and above financial survival and above all they want to weaken our armed forces strength with in the region.

Lets study the extract of an email from a friend to understand the long term negative intentions of the every country against Islam and Muslim world.

A famous and an honest Pakistani bureaucrat, QUDRATUALLAH SHAHAB, wrote the following in his autobiography, SHAHAB NAMA, in page 778. I have translated this from Urdu to English:

‘‘In 1969, when I was a member of the executive board of UNISCO, one of my friends from Poland was angry that Russia is influencing Poland against the will of polish people. The Poles were against the Soviet bloc and they didn’t like the Soviet influence in Poland. But the Polish government was a client of the Soviet Union. My polish friend was one of the senior and experienced foreign affairs officers of his country.

One day during a chat and discussion he said, ‘Although Russia and America are enemies but on some issues they become friends.’

I was surprised and asked, ‘For example?’

He said, ‘For example, PAKISTAN.’

‘I was stunned. I requested him to explain.’

On my request he explained, ‘It is a reality not hidden from whole world that the Pakistani military is one of the highly disciplined and professional military in the WORLD. And that REALITY is not acceptable to both countries, I meanRUSSIA and AMERCIA.

1. RUSSIANS are looking towards AFGHANISTAN

2. RUSSIANS are looking towards ARABIAN SEA

3. RUSSIANS favor India and want to support that country

But the PAKISTANI MILITARY is the main OBSTRUCTION in the path of all these three RUSSIAN objectives.


1. AMERICA‘S real and original faith is with ISRAEL

2. AMERICA wants friendship and alliance with INDIA

America is a friend of Pakistan only in name. And the AMERICANS know very well that ONLY THE PAKISTANI MILITARY AND PAKISTANI NATION can confront American designs. And that the PAKISTANI ARMY AND NATION HAVE THE PASSION TO FIGHT AS WELL if attacked. So the PAKISTANI MILITARY is the main OBSTRUCTION in the path of American objectives.

INDIA also does not like the PAKISTANI MILITARY.

In this way, the decimation and destruction of the Pakistani military is the main objective of RUSSIA, AMERICA and INDIA.

That’s why they all want to weaken the Pakistani military and the Pakistani nation, destroy it and to make it useless.

‘But how will they achieve this combined goal?’ I asked.

He laughed and than said, ‘They shall engage PAKISTANI ARMY in civil and government matters as much as they can for a long period by pushing them to take over governments.’


‘‘This conversation took place in 1969, when the Soviet Union had not invaded Afghanistan, nor was Bangladesh movement started. Out of 17 years of independence, 13 years have gone to MARTIAL LAW. And I am in fear may be those American, Russian and Indian objectives are about to complete…”

So what are we waiting for? Why do we always realise the severity of the things when most of the damage has already been done? There is no point cursing our leadership of their wrong doings cause we did not play our part to stop them doing it? most of the educated people enjoy a holiday and dont cast their vote on election day, who will bring the change then? If we would be looted by the same thugs in a slightly different stance over the issues and in a disguise of sincere leaders. All of us to play our part to stop this non-sense of division of on the basis of religions, tribes, language etc or our enemies will keep on winning in making us a fragile economy and a divided Nation. We need to be united, if its in our fate to go down under, we go down together with a common struggle to save Pakistan, shoulder to shoulder as Pakistanis and Muslims and not as Mahajar, Pathan, Sindhi, Punjabi, Balochi, Christian or Hindu. Who would deliberately destroy the house he lives in? But we are doing it cause of the shades of biases and disbelief on our eyes. Lets start an effort from with in a family to stand united and then spread this effort across every house, every city and across Pakistan. We lost east Pakistan, we will not let any body to dare parting our fellow country men no matter who they are and where they live.

Lets make it a resolution for our rest of lives for the betterment of our generations to come.

"Are you with me Pakistan?"

1 comment:


    just go thruogh this book then more comments ,ll be added:
